blacktopped cynicism
as poverty’s nightmare
is not easily broken
but hope suspends
in heaven’s state of consciousness
truth lies
deep inside
behind closed doors
waiting to be discovered
by some other means
than a key-shaped crack pipe
coke high
jackknifes me
as faith promises
2 return the favor
in the aftermath of yesterday
i thought it was
just like any other day
only this time
i heard a blues song
coming from a pi-ano
slightly out of tune
paints a token of obscurity
the hooded crow
squawks uncontrollably
as octothropes
prophecy revealed
a series of flashbacks
crucifixion eclipse
blackens the universe in the sixth hour
as the full moon
bleeds through the night
in the beginning
before earth was formed
demons possessed some SEVEN keys
to rule the cosmos in ultimate darkness
but when GOD created the world
he scattered those keys throughout the universe
now thousands of years
demons have found SIX of those SEVEN keys
and returned to earth
upon the discovery
that the final key
GOD revealed to me
a TATTOO of mathematical infinity
manifestation of fate
a demi(god)
guardian...KEEPER of the LOST KEY
contained with CHRIST'S BLOOD
siphoned...upon his CRUCIFIXION
a preclude from
entrance into the gates of hell
...and so i'm DESTINED...
you are very talented... good piece of work right there!!!
ReplyDeletethank you...and truth be told so are you!